Andrew Walker Education

Andrew meets with familes to find out about their child’s academic profile, talents and interests, and the things they are looking for in prospective schools. Following this first meeting, Andrew provides the family with three initial school recommendations for further research and review. Andrew then makes introductions to the schools that are of interest, and supports the application process right through the first day at a new school.

Even when a child has joined a school, Andrew maintains regular contact with families, aiming to meet them face to face in their home country at least once a year. Andrew’s business model is simple: Happy Pupils = Happy Parents!

As an authorised agent there is no fee for you to engage with Andrew’s services, unless you wish to have his direct logistics support on any UK visit to schools, in which case a reasonable service fee is charged. Commission is paid to Andrew by schools when a child has joined, and fees are paid.

Independent Schools

State Boarding Schools


UK passport holder children are able to attend a state boarding school for around £15,000 per annum.